Friday, May 5, 2023

A lovely hour with our Isabelle.

Friday 5th May 2023.

This Carrion Crow looks proud to be on top of one of the tallest Horse Chestnut trees in the Cemetery.

After my second shift (a male Sparrowhawk flew over my head in Pembroke Road, Old Portsmouth), I returned home only to find that Isabelle and her mum were in my house and Isabelle was just itching to ride her bike. So it was back over to Highland Road Cemetery to check on the wildlife there and Isabelle’s cycling skills! The sun had now come out and it was quite warm late this afternoon. I found out that another Pomarine Skua passed Gilkicker Point around midday (bloody typical!), but very quiet throughout the rest of the day there.

Above, the Batman Hoverfly and below, the plant Germander Speedwell.

Above, the male Dunnock singing on the east side of the Cemetery.

The grass has really grown within the Cemetery and virtually all the trees now are in leaf; the whole area looks quite lush and green. Could there be a nice bird to go along with the greenery? The Dunnock was seen again, singing its heart out on the east side of the Cemetery close to the main footpath, while I was watching Isabelle riding her bike going round and round the same circuit. The things us Grandads do! There were also plenty of Starlings around, busy searching the soft grass for insects and the pair of Jays put in an appearance too over on the north-west side of the Cemy.

Above, at least three Holly Blue butterflies were seen and below, a Red Admiral sunning itself. 

Above, one of the two Jays showed well today.

Not a great deal else of note regarding the bird life, but there were a few insects on the wing. Several Holly Blue butterflies were flitting about the Ivy and Holly plants and a Red Admiral butterfly was seen sunning itself on a gravestone. A Batman Hoverfly (Myathropa florea) was seen on nearby vegetation by one of the Holly Blue’s, my first of the year and most certainly not my last. I really did spend most of my time keeping an eye on Isabelle, but it is always a pleasure being with her. Tonight, I heard the familiar 'screaming' of Swifts overhead and I am so glad to say that up to 7 birds were seen circling high over.

I was pleased to see so many Starlings feeding in the Cemetery. I have heard a lot of youngsters calling from the rooftops from their nest holes of late. Below, my first Common Vetch of the year growing near the main entrance.

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