Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A brief update and some sad news.

Wednesday 23rd December 2021.

This superb Red-necked Grebe was swimming off Pennington Marshes on the 19th December. Photo by Pete Appleton. 

This week so far leading up to Christmas has been a busy one which has taken me all over the place including Brighton and Peacehaven, in East Sussex today. There seems to be no let up with our work and with it, the temperatures are starting to get a lot colder. Today was no exception where it was only just above freezing with that horrible north-westerly wind blowing right through you.

Sightings this week have been few and far between with the only birds of note being several Common Buzzards along the A27 and the M275. A pair of Yellowhammers were seen in Woodingdean,  just outside Brighton and on such a cold day, they were most welcome. Yesterday, at The Oaks, a small flock of Redwing flew overhead and a female Sparrowhawk nearly took out a Magpie, but only just missed it as she flew off somewhat bemused, no doubt!

I received my quarterly magazine from the RSPB yesterday and I am somewhat not very pleased with it. With the power of free speech, I shall have my say on the issue:

  • It is virtually full of adverts trying to make us buy something from it with every other page of expensive clothing, optical equipment and holidays 
  • The topical subjects they like to discuss is, in my opinion, focuses on absolute novices in the birding world who know either nothing or very little of birding or birds themselves
  • One could flick through this magazine in roughly ten minutes, even the stories the public send in are so uninteresting, I wonder sometimes what the editorial team actually do.

I am a big fan of protecting our birds and wildlife, but something that is doomed on the other side of the world because of the disinterested  locals on the particular island trying to survive, really does not rock my boat. Yes, what goes on in the UK gets my attention, but to bleed their subscribers dry with very expensive goods, really gets my back up. I understand that the manufacturers pay the RSPB a huge amount of money to advertise in their magazines, but really, it is getting so utterly boring. Rant over.

This amazing photo of a Ringed Plover landing among the Sanderling at Hill Head would get my vote for one of the best photos of the year. It was taken at Hill Head by birding friend, Christine Whiffin. 

On a sad note, a birding friend of mine, John Goodall, sent me a text to say that Dave Compton had passed away earlier this year in January. Over the years, I met Dave many a time over Old Winchester Hill, when I was walking Scruff or birding in the area and never short of a word or two, we talked about our sightings of late on the reserve or in the local area. He told me that he suffered a Heart Attack some time ago and was told to keep fit by regular walking of which he would do at least two circuits of his beloved Old Winchester Hill. 

I can remember one such conversation with him when he told me about when the White-throated Sparrow turned up some years ago and the blatant disregard of a few ‘irresponsible birders’ Dave tackled. In fact, he was very shocked at the verbal abuse he took after asking them to keep to the footpaths and not tread on the plants that the butterflies laid their eggs on. After that nasty episode, he vowed to keep his rare sightings to himself or to a very select few and that included a Red-backed Shrike that spent some time there at the same location. I cannot blame him in doing this and would probably do the same if I was in his shoes. 

There is also a nice written piece about him by Lucy Hutchinson, writing for the Warnford press, which is a good read. Dave worked very closely with the local Police and reduced car crime within the car parks of Old Winchester Hill,  West Meon, Beacon Hill and Exton and was rewarded with the British Empire Medal, which was so thoroughly deserved. Dave will be missed and somewhat explains why I have not seen him this year. I have provided a link below should you wish to read a little more about him.     

10 years ago to the very day, I was birding down Southsea Castle, enjoying the Purple Sandpipers again.

A 'Lifer' moth by my trap last night.

Friday 28th March 2025. My first ever Marbled Fern moth that was on the white sheet behind my Moth Box last night.  Another day and yet anot...