Thursday, September 21, 2023

Rarities pouring into the UK.

Thursday 21st September 2023.

Sadly, no American passerines in the Cemy this morning, so I had to make do with some obliging Chiffchaffs instead. At least 6 were either heard or seen this morning.

It seems like a long time since I have put anything on my blog and that was due to the extreme bad weather we have had over the past few days. The UK took a battering from Hurricane Lee that was slowly crossing the Atlantic and there was another following it according to the weather forecast this morning. However, despite the grim weather (very strong winds and heavy rain which produced a ‘Yellow’ weather warning), the winds have most certainly produced some amazing sightings, not only on the south coast, but Wales in particular. More later.

Above, there were still a few Smooth Sow-thistle plants along with Purple Toadflax growing around the graves within the Cemetery. Below, a Meadow Pipit flying high overhead.

Above, as me and the dogs were sheltering under the large Oak Tree in the north-east corner of the Cemy, this Carrion Crow was getting somewhat damp in the heavy rain shower. Below, Ivy Bees and Common Wasps enjoy the flowering Ivy.

The poor weather even resulted in me not putting my moth box on overnight for fear of it blowing over in the strong winds, but it was a lot better today as the winds have abated, but there was still the threat of heavy showers today. I managed to take the dogs for a walk around Highland Road Cemetery this morning and was rewarded with at least 6 Chiffchaffs, though only two showed well. Overhead, there was a small trickle of Meadow Pipits flying over and the total species seen this morning was 17; the highest for some time, that included a Jay, Greenfinch and a Goldcrest plus all your usual suspects. The Goldcrest was the first one this month here in the Cemetery and although I never got a sighting of it, it was most likely a migrant bird. Surprisingly, no Wren or Collared Dove to add to that total. The following birds were either heard or seen this morning:

  • Jay
  • Magpie
  • Carrion Crow
  • Herring Gull
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Feral Pigeon
  • Goldfinch
  • Greenfinch
  • Blue Tit
  • Great Tit
  • Goldcrest
  • Chiffchaff
  • Blackbird
  • Robin
  • Starling
  • House Sparrow
  • Meadow Pipit

There were plenty of insects again within the Cemetery, notably the Common Wasps, Drone Flies and Batman Hoverflies enjoying the flowering Ivy Plants (they really give off a strong scent when you walk past them) and also upon them were good numbers of Ivy Bees. At least four Red Admiral butterflies were seen, including two nectaring on the flowering Buddleia near the entrance and also a few Large Whites on the wing over the Cemetery. However, best of all was a Painted Lady that briefly stopped on some Ivy before flying off.

Above and below, another couple of photos of one of the Chiffchaffs in the centre of the Cemetery.

Above, a Drone Fly on an Ivy plant and below, I came across at least 10 Batman Hoverflies resting either on this Conifer or on my hat!

Above, this Red Admiral butterfly was sunning itself on a Buddleia plant near the main entrance.

As mentioned earlier, the very strong winds brought in some interesting birds to the south coast and sure enough, Grey Phalaropes began to arrive. These diminutive waders are normally storm driven into the UK and two birds turned up yesterday; one off Hill Head and another on Blashford Lakes. Today, there were two at Keyhaven Marshes that showed very well to all that went to view the birds. However, to eclipse these lovely birds (I do hope one hangs around this weekend), the west coast is awash with very rare American passerines! Today, in Wales alone, there are the following birds: Magnolia Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler, Alder Flycatcher, Red-eyed Vireo and a Bobolink! I think this September could be going down as one of the best for North-american passerines?

Above, this Grey Phalarope graced Hill Head just offshore, though you had to be quick to see it at times. These superb photos were taken by Mark Francis.


Monday, September 18, 2023

Storms over Portsmouth.

Monday 18th September 2023.

It was a bit dark and overcast just before the rain came in when I took Ted & Buddy for their morning walk around the Cemetery.

Last night's storm was very impressive, although it was quite distant and rather over to the east where there was a superb lightning display over the rooftops of Southsea. This morning's weather forecast didn't look too good either and I got a bit of a soaking on my first shift this morning in Old Portsmouth. Though the rain had stopped when I got home, I still had the dogs to take out and so I took a risk and walked them around Highland Road Cemetery. Yep, another good soaking!!!

Above, the rain came in as we quickly took shelter under a tree. Below, a Lusitanian Slug was more than happy with the wet weather until one of the dogs trod on it and it shrivelled up! 

On my first shift this morning, I did see a Chiffchaff flitting about the trees by the roadside and a Siskin was heard only somewhere high up and heading west by the sound of it. Highland Road Cemetery was rather quiet too, though not unexpected really, but at this time of year, anything could turn up, but it was just the usual birds on show today in the heavy rain. I took the camera anyway and snapped a few photos of the soaked birds along the way. A few Chiffchaff were heard only within the Bushes and Trees, but no other migrants on show today.

Above, this Carrion Crow managed to grab breakfast from somewhere and below, a Wood Pigeon in the rain. One of many here this morning. 

Above, I was walking the dogs around the Mausoleum when I came across two Magpies, two Carrion Crows (one flew off) and a juvenile Herring Gull all getting along fine in the rain! Below, then there were just two Carrion Crows and two Magpies.

Yesterday, birding pal Geoff Farwell braved the weather in the morning and got a thorough soaking for his efforts down Farlington Marshes where he saw the following birds: Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 3 Common Buzzard, 2 Avocet, 8 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Ruff, Common Sandpiper, 14 Brent Geese and 10 Yellow Wagtails. There was an interesting report of a flock of White Storks flying over Cowplain yesterday and someone put some video footage on Facebook of the sighting. No doubt on what they were. 

Above, a small flock of Curlew Sandpipers on Keyhaven Marshes. This superb photo made the title photo on the Hampshire Birding page on Facebook. Photo by Christine Whiffen. Below, another friend of mine, Paula Slape, took this photo from her mobile of Fulmars from a Whale-watching trip off Iceland yesterday. I wish my mobile phone camera was this good!

It was a much sunnier afternoon today, though a strong westerly wind blew which kept the temperature down to around 16 degrees. The only sighting of note during my second shift was a female Peregrine flying high over Old Portsmouth and then seen again seconds later heading east towards Southsea. A good total of 16 Cattle Egrets were noted on the Hayfield at Farlington Marshes today by fellow ‘Lazee’, Andy Friend. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Another great busy Saturday with the guys.

Saturday 16th September 2023.

Redshank off Northney, Hayling Island in the early afternoon.

Another busy day with both the moths and the birds today, with both Andy Fisher and Geoff Farwell joining me as we explored three areas around the south coast. The weather was glorious again, but very humid at times and even hot in places! Two new species of moth for my year list were found at Andy’s moth trap and although we never saw any new bird species for our respective year lists, there was a reasonable variety of birds to look at. However, I have to say, we struggled to find many migrant birds despite some very good likely areas.

My second Double-barred Tabby of the year after the one I had in June.

Kicking off with my moth box, my second Double-barred Tabby moth was arguably the best moth to be found and I would not of seen it until I was packing my stuff away in the back garden as I found it perched on the seat cover and thankfully, remained there so I could take a photo of it. There were 68 moths of 18 species this morning that included 4 Clancy’s Rustics, a species that was a real rarity in my moth box. Box Tree Moths were abundant yet again, but at least I don't get hundreds of them like some poor 'Moth-ers' do in various places in the UK.

The moths recorded in and around my moth box this morning included the following:

  • 2 Old Lady
  • 4 Lesser Yellow Underwing
  • 4 Pale Mottled Willow
  • 4 Willow Beauty
  • 3 Garden Carpet
  • 4 Clancy’s Rustic
  • 1 Vine’s Rustic
  • 9 Large Yellow Underwing
  • 7 L-album Wainscot
  • 2 Silver Y
  • 1 Square-spot Rustic
  • 1 Rusty-dot Pearl
  • 1 Double-barred Tabby
  • 5 Ruddy Streak
  • 1 London Dowd
  • 2 Light Brown Apple Moth
  • 16 Box Tree Moth
  • 1 Common Plume

I arrived at Andy’s house around 7.45am and was welcomed by a singing Chiffchaff in his back garden. I got a fleeting glimpse of it flitting about in his back garden as I made my way to his front door. WHile Andy made me a cup of coffee, I got stuck into the moths. Both Centre-barred Sallow and Frosted Orange were new for the year, two beautiful Autumn moths of which I was so pleased to see. 27 moths of 11 species were recorded, though a few flew off before I could identify them when I walked into the back garden. 

Frosted Orange.

The moths present this morning included the following:

  • 2 Brimstone Moth
  • 8 Willow Beauty
  • 4 Large Yellow Underwing
  • 2 Garden Carpet
  • 1 Frosted Orange (NFY)
  • 1 Center-barred Sallow (NFY)
  • 2 L-album Wainscot
  • 2 Pale Mottled Willow
  • 3 Square-spot Rustic
  • 1 Narrow-winged Grey
  • 1 Light Brown Apple Moth

Centre-barred Sallow.

This week has seen some serious accidents on the roads around Portsmouth and this morning was no exception, as there was a car on its roof on the A3M opposite Farlington Marshes when I made my way to Geoff's house, in Drayton. Huge roadworks along the Havant Road in Drayton didn't help either as we eventually all made our way down to Sandy Point, on Hayling Island, for our first destination.

The birds seen around this Nature Reserve included at least five Sandwich Terns fishing within the harbour entrance and gave good views most of the time. There was a good movement of both Swallows and House Martins overhead, of which some flew just a few feet away from us and low down too. Meadow Pipits were also going through in good numbers and both Grey Wagtail and Yellow Wagtail flew overhead. Geoff was pointing out the plants on the shingle that included the gorgeous yellow Evening Primrose and the not so attractive Sea Spurge and Sea Holly. Today's date is synonymous with the arrival of Brent Geese and we saw a flock of 16 birds flying distantly heading west over Chichester Harbour. New arrivals?

From top to bottom: A flock of 16 Brent Geese flying distantly over Chichester Harbour, Sandwich Tern flying through the harbour entrance off Sandy Point and a Common Carder Bee on an Evening Primrose plant on the beach.

From nearby Sparkes Marina, the tide was slowly coming up at 11am and out in the creek, a pair of Redshank were seen well as was a Little Egret. Sadly, the sandbank on Black Point suffers terribly from disturbance, so resting waders are regularly flushed here as was a mixed flock of Ringed Plover and Dunlin that flew over the area a couple of times.

A pair of Redshank in the creek off Sparkes Marina and a fishing Little Egret.

Next stop was to be Northney and so parking up in the small car park, we walked north to view the small harbour by the Marina and also to check out the brambles and fields along the walk up to the houses near Spinnaker Grange. We searched hard for any migrants present and the best we could muster were a few Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap and Whitethroat that was heard only. The potential for a Wryneck or Shrike here seemed overwhelming, but no diamonds. On a positive side, there was a nice selection of waders near the small Marina that included a couple of Greenshank, three Whimbrel and around 60+ Redshank, of which the latter were jostling for space on the rising tide.

Both Kestrel and a Common Buzzard were seen and a Kingfisher was seen briefly flashing past below the footpath near the Marina. A Grey Wagtail flew down and landed briefly before flying off north. But it was the Swallows and House Martins pouring through that grabbed our attention. Literally hundreds were seen heading east low over the harbour and over our heads; an endless stream of Hirundines it seemed and though I tried my hardest to find a rarer Hirundine among them, they all were our regular birds. Truly an amazing Autumn spectacle. A few Migrant Hawker and Common Darter dragonflies were seen along our walk around Northney along with the micro moth, a Rush Veneer, which was only my second of the year.

Photos from Northney. From top to bottom: A pair of Greenshank with a Redshank, Whimbrel with a Black-headed Gull, Small Copper butterfly, Sandwich Tern, small unidentified Bumblebee, 3 Whimbrel with a Curlew and finally, a Swallow flying over the Whimbrel and Curlew.

After a bite to eat back in the car park, we then finished the day off around the countryside of Pigeon House Lane on top of Portsdown Hill. Geoff had a good list of sightings here Saturday and so parking up, we crossed the road and made our way down through the fields. A large number of Red-legged Partridges, easily 100+, were in the fields opposite the road along with huge numbers of both Feral and Wood Pigeons. However, despite a long walk across the fields, the only migrants we saw were a couple of Chiffchaffs, a single Wheatear and up to 30 Yellow Wagtails (a flock of 26, 3 and a single bird). A couple of Common Buzzards were seen and a distant Kestrel to round up our sightings here, but despite the lack of migrants, the view here made up for that. We are so lucky to have such spectacular countryside.

Photos from the fields by Pigeon House Lane, Portsdown Hill: Red-legged Partridges among Carrion Crows, a lone Red-legged Partridge, Roe Deer, a large gathering of Red-legged Partridge, the only Wheatear we could find and Storksbill flowers.

While getting back into the car, there was a report of a Long-tailed Blue butterfly nearby. However, I did not realise how close the insect was and I should have given the info more attention, but time was against me as I had to not only get the lads home, but also the long drive home back in Southsea. Tomorrow, thunderstorms are supposed to be rolling into the south coast, although I really do not trust the weather guys and their awful predictions.   

The Long-tailed Blue butterfly on Portsdown Hill. Photo by Andy Friend.

Our full day in Somerset.

Saturday 22nd February 2025. Buddy is taking a good look at his domain for the next few days. I didn't get the greatest of sleep last ni...