Tuesday 25th February 2025.
A few days ago, one lucky chap couldn't believe his eyes when feeding below his bird-feeder, a male Black-throated Thrush, a first for Hampshire, was seen and thankfully, photographed by the finder. It was quickly put out to the Hampshire elite who confirmed its identity and then the rush was on the following day, as birders went 'en masse' yesterday to see this superb eastern Asian species within a garden at Lindford, near Bordon. Though the original finder refused to allow birders into his garden, thanks go to Alan Lewis and Simon King who negotiated with a nearby neighbour to kindly allow birders to use here garden for two days running. Wellington boots and a scope were essential, but at least the bird was on view this morning to please the ever growing number of birders present, who incidentally, behaved themselves impeccably.
I got a text from Andy Fisher saying that he was willing to pick me up after my first shift this morning although I had to be back by 2pm at the latest. All systems go to see my second ever Black-throated Thrush (having seen one in Oxfordshire many years ago) and my first Hampshire one. When Andy arrived, Geoff was already in the car and we then made our way northbound up the A3. The weather was perfect now, with bright sunshine and even the temperature was in double figures at last.
We parked up as requested in a lay-by in Broxhead Farm Road and then walked to the gate by the River Wey. From here, we could see birders up ahead, including Andy Friend who was asking us to hurry up as the Thrush was showing very well in the garden underneath the feeders. It only took a matter of seconds for us to get on the bird and once we had seen it, I quickly set up my scope to get a really good look at this amazing bird. The bird flitted in and out of the garden and viewing was limited to around 30 seconds or so before it would hide in the surrounding vegetation. The feeder above the bird had attracted Siskins and even a Redpoll (seen earlier in the day, but we dipped on that!) and also a Great Spotted Woodpecker, but when a male Sparrowhawk flew in and landed on the nearby fence, the birds panicked and all flew off, including the Thrush.
Once the Sparrowhawk flew off eventually, high over the trees, the birds slowly came back, but it took a while for the Black-throated Thrush to return, but by then, after having a good chat with many a ‘Lazee Birders’ there, we made our way to the car and made our way to Drayton Watercress Beds, near Alresford where there were supposed to be three Water Pipits seen reported today.
Once we parked up in another lay by near the Watercress Beds, we made our way to the site and searched for the Pipits. To cut to the chase, we didn't find any Water Pipits, but there were about a dozen Meadow Pipits present to check through. Up to at least 7 Green Sandpipers were present and up to four Grey Wagtails as well as numerous Pied Wagtails. A few Common Buzzards sailed overhead and I dipped on a Marsh Harrier flying over the fields as I was too busy checking the Beds through my scope. Out in the fields, a pair of Hares were seen, but they bolted in a nearby hedgerow before I could get a photo. Yes, we were disappointed and we even tried the Watercress Beds a little further down the road, but to no avail. We tried a few more Watercress Beds around the countryside near Alresford, but though we saw no Water Pipits, we did see at least four Red Kites sailing over the countryside.
Our last throw of the dice to find a Water Pipit was the Watercress Beds at Warnford and so we took the drive south to this quaint neck of the woods. We pulled up opposite the Beds and thoroughly checked them out, but there was hardly a bird there. However, a superb Barn Owl flew over the Beds and looked as though it was hunting for food in the area. I quickly ran back to the car to grab my camera and as soon as I was ready to take a photo, the bird disappeared into a neighbouring field and promptly wasn't seen again. Yesterday, Andy had the pleasure of seeing a Barn Owl near the main entrance to Farlington Marshes and finished his day off with the South Boarhunt Little Owls and so for me to see a hunting Barn Owl in broad daylight today was quite exceptional.