Thursday, November 7, 2024

Another stunning moth & a trip to the Cemy.

Thursday 7th November 2024.

The Jay in Highland Road Cemetery this morning.

The weather has been the same all week, with low clouds and hardly any wind and the temperatures hovering around 12 to 14 degrees. A quick check of the Moth Box revealed just 4 moths this morning of which one turned out to be a real surprise. It was back to Pembroke Road again this morning as I kept an eye out for anything interesting during my hour there. When I got home from my first shift, I took the dogs for a nice walk around Highland Road Cemetery. Though fairly quiet, both a Green Woodpecker and Chiffchaff showed well.

The Moth Box:

Only my second ever Oak Rustic moth.

Yet, another Golden Twin-spot moth was present again within my Moth Box, which begs the question, how many of this rare Mediterranean species are out there in Portsmouth or are there more making their way to our shores (sounds familiar doesn’t it?). However, another dark looking macro moth was in the Moth Box and at first, because of the poor light this morning, I thought it was a Black Rustic and took a few photos. Other moths present included a couple of Double-striped Pugs.

Another Twin-spot Rustic this morning.

I checked my photos a little later and I was sure now that the Black Rustic was in fact something completely different and when I got home from my first shift, I confirmed it was my first Oak Rustic for my Moth Trap in my garden. This is only the second individual I have ever seen and a smart looking moth too. As the temperatures in Portsmouth have been very mild of late, I shall keep the Moth Box going till it gets too cold over the coming month. All the time I was checking the moths, a Song Thrush was calling deep within the cover of the trees at the back of my garden.

Pembroke Road, Old Portsmouth:

A couple of the Sycamore trees in Pembroke Road of which the Jays favoured.

I shall kick off with yesterday's birds here at this site, which totalled 14 species that included a Cormorant heading east and three Mute Swans (two adults and a juvenile) heading west towards Gosport. This morning, up to 13 species were seen or heard and included the usual Jays, a Grey Wagtail flying over heading east and a Chiffchaff heard calling along the footpath towards Curtain Moat.

Highland Road Cemetery, Southsea:

The leaves are falling in the Cemy.

It was still overcast yet still around the Cemetery this morning, but there were still a few notable birds seen. This included the Green Woodpecker that showed well briefly high up in the bare branches of a tree, but flew off only to land on a gravestone. A single Chiffchaff was first heard and then seen well in a bush close to the Mausoleum, along the main footpath but did not linger long. At least one Jay was present (see photos and film footage below) and showed very well burying acorns in the uncut grass near the Holm Oak clump. Both Song Thrush and Goldcrest were heard only, but no Titmice or Robins seen or heard which was unusual.

Above, this Carrion Crow was calling high up in one of the tallest trees and below, the large clump of Honey Fungus we saw here on Sunday was still present.

Above, the Green Woodpecker showed well briefly, but was quite vocal. Below, the Chiffchaff scurrying around by the footpaths.

Above, the beautiful colours of Autumn leaves and below, the Jay about to swallow an acorn!

Above, the same Jay perched on a gravestone and below, I believe, because of the size, this is a Parasol Toadstool. 

Above, I think this is Fenugreek Milkcap and is poisonous.

The only insects seen in the Cemy this morning were a couple of Buff-tailed Bumblebees and the only notable flowers still in bloom included Yarrow, Smooth Sow-thistle and Mallow.

The birds seen or heard this morning included the following:

  • Herring Gull
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Feral Pigeon
  • Carrion Crow
  • Magpie
  • Jay
  • Green Woodpecker
  • Chiffchaff
  • Starling
  • Goldfinch
  • Blackbird
  • Song Thrush
  • Wren
  • Goldcrest

The Jay in the Cemetery this morning.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

More nice moths.

Tuesday 5th November 2024.

Two more Golden Twin-spot moths this morning.

Another grey and slightly colder day today and again, I kept an eye out for anything interesting in Pembroke Road, Old Portsmouth this morning. Looks like I shall have to wear a woolly hat sooner rather than later. I also had the Moth Box switched on last night and although there were very few moths, I was in for a nice surprise.

Pembroke Road, Old Portsmouth:

Only 13 species were seen this morning during my first shift of which, the most notable birds seen or heard were at least two Jays, showing very well as per normal and a Cormorant flying east high over the houses. Great Black-backed, Herring and Black-headed Gulls were seen and Robins, House Sparrows and a Wren were calling. What will this afternoon bring? Not a great deal to be honest, but the day total increased by one species: a Greenfinch and the Jays were seen again throughout my second shift. The day remained grey, overcast and hardly any wind whatsoever; which has been the weather all week so far.

In Hampshire today, fellow 'Lazee Birder' Pete Gammage found a male Ring Ouzel off Pigeon House Lane, Portsdown Hill. A Great Northern Diver was just offshore from Southsea seafront and a female Black Redstart was by Southsea Castle. The three Glossy Ibis were still near Titchfield Village.

The male Ring Ouzel by Pigeon House Lane this morning. Photo by Andy Friend.

The Moth Box:

My first Lead-coloured Totrtix of the year.

There were just three moths present this morning, but all three were stunning moths. Two more Golden Twin-spots that were perched on one of the egg boxes inside the Moth Box and the other was a micro moth; my first Lead-coloured Tortrix for the year. OK, not the most colourful of moths, but a good Autumn moth to pick up for this 

Monday, November 4, 2024

A Western Conifer Seed Bug pays me a visit.

Monday 4th November 2024.

It was back to work this morning at good old Pembroke Road and thankfully, it was dry again. Though not a great deal was seen during the day, I still had an interesting bug to look at. Hampshire is hosting quite a few Black Redstarts, with another one found in Southsea and a report of a Richard’s Pipit in the Basingstoke area.

Pembroke Road, Old Portsmouth:

The male Black Redstart on Southsea seafront today. Photo by Andy Friend.

There were just 12 species noted today here in Old Portsmouth, which included a couple of small flocks of Brent Geese entering distantly either into Portsmouth Harbour or Gosport. Two Jays showed well all morning and even one rested on the railings by Governor’s Green.  Earlier today, while walking the dogs before work, a small flock of 3 Redwing flew east, calling as they passed. ‘Lazee birder’ Andy Friend found a gorgeous male Black Redstart within the gardens of the Blue Reef on Southsea seafront this morning and was still there this afternoon, apparently. A Ring Ouzel flew over Tweseldown in North Hampshire and a Red-throated Diver was off Chilling cliffs.

The Western Conifer Seed Bug. It was a big bugger too!

When I got back, I had the chance to check out the Beetle that was crawling down our wall in our back room. It transpired to be a Western Conifer Seed Bug; my first ever. This species is actually a native of North America, but has recently been accidentally introduced into the UK. Around this time of year, it looks for places, like peoples homes, to hibernate for the Winter; hence finding one inside my house! 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Yet another Golden Twin-spot Moth & a walk with Isabelle.

Sunday 3rd November 2024.

This Golden Twin-spot moth was my fifth of the year.

I had my Moth Box on overnight and though it was a bit windy, there was always a chance of a migrant moth or two. Thankfully, I was rewarded with yet another superb moth, a Golden Twin-spot. This was my 5th individual of this species and there seems to be an influx of them here on the south coast. A fellow ‘Moth-er’ also had one during the week, so proving I wasn't the only one here in Portsmouth getting them.

Rusty-dot Pearl.

However, that was the only moth in my Moth Box though outside the Box, there was one Rusty-dot Pearl, one Common Plume and two Light Brown Apple Moths. Again, it was overcast with a light easterly wind though a mild 14 degrees.

My HOS (Hampshire Ornithological Society) Bird Report arrived yesterday and proved, yet again, a very interesting read. Some alarming statistics were noted, including the demise of both Willow Tit and Wood Warbler in Hampshire and the two Hampshire ‘firsts’ that included a Forster’s Tern and a Kumlien’s Gull. The latter bird I actually saw along with a dozen or so birders present at Gilkicker on a seawatch on the 14th April. This is a sub-species of Iceland Gull that breeds in Canada and was only considered when the photos taken of the bird were studied well by the Hampshire authorities and agreed upon that it was indeed a Kumlien’s Gull.

However, the Report also is now stating that most if not all sightings of Willow Tit in Hampshire, especially in the last few areas where they were seen last in North Hampshire are in fact most likely Marsh Tits. I would like to dispute that theory. I have very good experience on the call and in particular, the ‘jizz’ of this species and the bird I saw with Andy Fisher was indeed a Willow Tit after noting its call and seeing it well. Though I feel that this species is near lost to Hampshire, while its close cousin, the Marsh Tit is thriving. Swings & roundabouts, as they say.

Highland Road Cemetery, Southsea:

I had the pleasure of walking the dogs with our Isabelle late this afternoon over Highland Road Cemetery and boy, this girl can chat. That I wouldn't knock it one little bit, for too many youngsters are simply glued to their mobile phones or telly and now she is 10yrs old, I was amazed at how she remembered things from previous visits from a long time ago. She walked Buddy and I walked Ted as we made our way around my usual walk around the Cemetery.

Honey Fungus growing in the Cemetery.

This time, I didn't take my binoculars or camera and I was starting to regret it as a pair of Jays showed very well reasonably close to the footpath. But it was when we got to the south-east corner that I saw a young lady looking at something by a grave. I was not sure if she was looking at an insect or plant, but she moved on and carried on walking behind us. That was when something caught my eye and I couldn't believe that a Woodcock flew past us and close too! That young lady must have flushed it from the grass as the bird flew off heading east and quickly out of view. However, I saw the bird again, further north this time, but the sighting was brief as it disappeared from view behind the trees. This was a ‘patch tick’ for me and put a big smile on my face.

Agaricus species of Toadstool were abundant here this afternoon.

A little while later, a Sparrowhawk belted low past us and westbound low over the footpath. The Jays were seen again and noisy birds they were too, squawking noisily within the trees. A lot of the leaves on the trees have now fallen and the footpaths were carpeted in the fallen leaves. So very Autumnal. I did take some photos from my mobile phone as we came across some large Toadstools that included Honey Fungus and some Agaricus species on the grass.

Our full day in Somerset.

Saturday 22nd February 2025. Buddy is taking a good look at his domain for the next few days. I didn't get the greatest of sleep last ni...