Sunday, October 6, 2024

Will I ever make a good 'togger'?

Sunday 6th October 2024.

Though an early start for a walk around the Cemy, the weather was none too kind as the dogs and I made our way around in gloomy conditions.

The dogs never got their walk yesterday and so I took them for an early morning walk around Highland Road Cemetery this morning. The weather was looking a bit dodgy today with thunderstorms predicted for the south but as I arrived at the Cemetery at 8am, there was a lot of dark cloud overhead and a breezy southerly wind blowing over the site. For photographing birds, it turned out to be a bit of a challenge as it was quite dark and when I found a pair of close Firecrests by the footpath near the Holm Oak Clump; virtually all the photos I took came out dreadful. I believe I had the wrong ISO setting on my camera for it was too low and therefore the photos came out poor.

How about this for a crappy photo? But at least you can see it is a Firecrest.....just!!

Nevertheless, the Firecrests gave good views through my new binoculars as did a couple of Jays and a female Sparrowhawk that showed well in a tree, albeit briefly, before flying off. A few Chiffchaffs were recorded with one showing briefly on the southern end of the Cemy and another heard further north. One of the Jays showed very well, but getting a decent photo was not easy as the bird was constantly on the move. The Green Woodpecker put in a brief appearance too, first heard ‘yaffling’ and then seen flying across the Cemy only to disappear into the trees. 

At least these Jay photos didn't come out too bad, though it was out in the open while planting acorns.

I recorded a total of 17 species here this morning that included a few Meadow Pipits flying over and a small flock of 3 Pied Wagtails heading east. Both Great and Blue Tit were heard. House Sparrows, a species that seemed to be getting scarcer here in Southsea, are getting harder to find. I have not heard or seen one in my garden for some time now and so hearing one calling deep within one of the Bramble bushes in the Cemy this morning was noteworthy to say the least.

A few Blackbirds were noted in the Cemy today.

Today, in Hampshire, both the Yellow-browed Warblers were present in the same areas as yesterday at Sandy Point and another was found today at Hook-with-Warsash. Three Glossy Ibis were on the Bridge Street Floods again. I was too busy today with my family, taking our Isabelle to the Bowling Alley at Gunwharf, Portsmouth with three of her classmates after the walk with my dogs. A wonderful time.

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