Saturday, October 26, 2024

Our first full day on the Farm.

Saturday 26th October 2024.

Our superb accommodation for the week, Bragby Wern.

So, it is our first full day here in North Wales and it kicked off with a dewy start and cool too; but there is a clear blue sky above though it did start to cloud up in the afternoon.  The property is part of the Wern Fawr Manor Farm complex with at least four Cottages that can be rented here and I think we might have chosen the best one. No complaints from me anyway as we are situated deep within the Welsh countryside yet only about 2 miles from the beach! So, over the coming week, there will be much to write about (fingers crossed) as long as the weather stays nice.

Above, a Blue Tit in the trees within the garden and below, at least two Mistle Thrushes were in the fields and trees nearby.

Above, several Blackbirds were in the gardens for there were plenty of lawns to search for worms and below, at least one pair of Pied Wagtails were around.

Last night when we arrived, because of there being no light pollution, the night sky here was magnificent with the Milky Way showing very well and many constellations up in the sky. Russ even saw a huge shooting star going over (I missed that, fume!). This morning, I took the dogs for a quick walk before breakfast and already I was picking out Siskins flying over and Redwings calling in the distant trees. A Mistle Thrush was calling high up in a dead tree nearby and a variety of birds could be seen in and around the gardens that included Blackbird, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Goldcrest and a pair of Pied Wagtails.

Above, not only could you get a view of the sea from our accommodation, but also some of the tall hills in the distance. Below, Honey Fungus grows near a large tree stump.

Above, the large tree stump that attracted the Honey Fungus. A lot of the tree stumps on the Farm have been turned into seats! Below, the beautiful Snowy Waxcap Toadstool.

In the afternoon, I went and explored the area more thoroughly and took a walk down into the woodland nearby. Here, there was a small congregation of Titmice (Blue, Great, Long-tailed Tits) and a couple of Goldcrests were among them also. I wonder if there are Firecrest up here? Ravens could be heard ‘cronking’ in the distance and I did get a brief view of at least two birds behind the trees. The workplace barn behind the main owners Cottage held a pair of Grey Wagtails that were on the roof in search of insects and again seen flying over the fields. I found a small stream down in the woodland and I assume they like to forage around here also. The woodland held a good number of Siskins flying over, but too quick to grab a photo.

Above and below, one of the Grey Wagtails on the Farm.

Above, this is the best I could do with a Goldcrest in some branches within the woodland nearby and below, I found a clump of Self-heal plants by the woodland.

Above, one of the signposts to the main entrance and below, most likely Trooping Funnel toadstools.

Above, a pair of vocal Common Buzzards over the woodland nearby. Below, Wern Fawr Manor Farm.

Above, another view from the Farm and below, the main entrance to the Farm.

Above, one can see the sea from here. Our Russ took a walk there this afternoon, which didn't take him long.

Above, I found a few Red Campion plants growing on a brick wall by the garden and below, several Noon Flies were warming themselves up on the brick wall.

Above, I found this toadstool growing in the garden but yet to ID and below, a Nutchatch was calling in a nearby tree in the garden.

Other sightings here included a Great Spotted Woodpecker flying across the fields away from me and a pair of Common Buzzards soaring over the nearby woodland, calling in doing so. A Grey Heron flew low over the woodland heading west, while back in the garden by our Cottage; a Linnet, several Goldfinches and a Nuthatch were seen well. Talking to the owners of the Farm, they told me that a Barn Owl is using a nearby Barn near our Cottage. I shall therefore be keeping an eye out for the bird later this evening.

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Our first full day on the Farm.

Saturday 26th October 2024. Our superb accommodation for the week, Bragby Wern. So, it is our first full day here in North Wales and it kick...