Sunday, March 31, 2024

Finally, Yellowhammer climbs onboard my year list.

Saturday 30th March 2024.

Good numbers of Red Kite were seen over the countryside by the Angel Hotel this morning.

It was the big day of our daughter's wedding to Emma up in the beautiful Angel Hotel off the A32. Not only did we all have a superb day, but even the weather played its part too with blazing sunshine throughout the day. I believe the girls had an amazing day and I wish them all the very best for the future. Meanwhile, I had travelled up to the Hotel early and I was told earlier to bring my camera along and what with my binoculars in tow, well, I simply had to take a look at what the local countryside had to offer. The wedding wasn't till 2pm and so I had ample time to take a stroll up the adjacent Sages Lane to view the fields either side. And I was even treated to an actual ‘year-tick’!

Above and below, this Common Buzzard soared over my head while I was walking along the road.

Above, the Rape field to the south of the road and below, the Cereal field to the north of the road.

Above, the best photo I could manage of a Brimstone butterfly flying across the field. Two were seen during my walk along this gorgeous country road.

Above and below, a Red Kite sailed past on those big long wings.

Above, this Chiffchaff was seen first preening and then began singing. Below, a carpet of Lesser Celandine flowers adorned all along the roadside.

The grassy banks along the road were laden with Lesser Celandines flowers and nearby, a Nuthatch and Chiffchaff were in full song in the woodland on the opposite side of the A32 when I started my walk. Walking north, it didn't take long for a couple of Common Buzzards to fly out of the trees and then soar off over the fields. Scanning the distant Cereal fields to the north, more Common Buzzards were seen soaring with about ten up in the air at any one time. Even a few Red Kites came over, with one coming over nice and close too and with the bright sunshine, all its plumage details could clearly be seen. Great, Blue and Coal Tits were calling above me in the trees and a few Chaffinches were also seen going about their business. Then I heard a Yellowhammer fly over and eventually saw the bird heading north over the field opposite the road. This, believe it or not, was my first Yellowhammer of the year; though I did hear one on January the 1st, but I could not officially count that bird for my year list as I did not actually see it. Other birds noted while walking north-west along the road included a distant Red-legged Partridge calling, several Pheasants seen in the fields and a Wren in full song nearby. Two individual Brimstone butterflies were seen flying across the field, but it was not easy to get a decent photo of them. 

The singing Chiffchaff at the bottom of the road by the Hotel.

Realising that time was running away from me, I slowly headed back; but this time checking out the Rape Field to the south of the road. The stunning yellow of the plants shone in the sunshine, but not a great deal of note seen in or over the field. As I neared the Angel Hotel, the Chiffchaff I heard earlier showed very well for me this time within a roadside bush, both preening and singing which made me feel that Spring had really arrived. A lovely hour was spent here simply enjoying the countryside and what it had to hold. Later in the day, while the outside photos were being taken during the Wedding, a gorgeous Red Kite flew low over all of us and it was nice for everyone to marvel at this beautiful bird circling over our heads.   

The very happy couple, Emma and Hannah.

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