Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Spoonbills over the Cemetery!

Wednesday 13th September 2023.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a flock of four Spoonbills flying high over the Cemetery this morning. Thankfully, I had my camera to hand to record this moment. 

A lot cooler this morning (down to 16 degrees Centigrade) with a blanket of overnight cloud and a breezy north-easterly wind. My day kicked off with my first shift at Pembroke Road where I had sightings of a female Sparrowhawk soaring low over the rooftops and then heading off south-east. A small flock of three Meadow Pipits flew north, possibly from the Isle of Wight? But it's good to see a bit of visible migration even from my working area.

Two more photos of the Spoonbills this morning.

Once I got back home, after a quick coffee, I headed off back over Highland Road Cemetery to walk my dogs and see if there were any migrants within. A few Chiffchaffs were noted (possibly up to 5 birds) and at least three Swallows flew low over the trees, all heading west. But it was when I was making my way around the northern end of the Cemetery that I just happened to look at and was amazed at a flock of four Spoonbills flying over in a line and heading west! I quickly managed to grab a few record shots of the birds flying away from me and checking the viewfinder on my photos, I could then confirm they were most definitely Spoonbills, which constituted a superb ‘Patch tick’! I have only seen one Spoonbill this year and that was way back in January over Titchfield Haven. Just goes to prove that you should check the sky every now and then. Well pleased.

Above, this Chiffchaff was seen in the Conifer over on the south-west side of the Cemetery. Below, this particular Wood Pigeon was reluctant to take flight as me and the dogs walked just a few feet from where it sat over on the south-west corner.

Over in the south western area of the Cemetery, for a nice change, I followed the footpath around this particular area and was rewarded with a female Sparrowhawk flying into a small bush. Whether she caught anything, I don’t know, but I think she flew out the other side. Also from this side, a Greenfinch flew high over; a species that has been erratic in sightings of late, but good to see nonetheless. Even a lone Black-headed Gull made a change from all the Herring Gulls flying over or on the rooftops nearby.

I rarely walk around the south-east corner of the Cemetery, but you never know what could be hiding there and this morning, I had the pleasure of watching a female Sparrowhawk flying in and also a flock of Goldfinches.

I think the overcast conditions (which eventually gave way to some broken sunshine) put paid to seeing many insects on the wing and the only insect of note was a lone Large White Butterfly flying low over the Cemetery.

Chiffchaffs were abundant again in the Cemetery including this showy bird.

Birds seen or heard within the Cemetery this morning included the following:

  • Spoonbill (3 adults + a juvenile) * Patch tick.
  • Sparrowhawk (female)
  • Chiffchaff
  • Herring Gull
  • Black-headed Gull
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Feral Pigeon
  • Collared Dove
  • Blue Tit
  • House Sparrow
  • Robin
  • Greenfinch
  • Goldfinch
  • Magpie
  • Carrion Crow
  • Swallow 

A couple of the local Carrion Crows here are sporting a lot of white feathers including this one on the left.

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