Friday, September 15, 2023

A quiet, but enjoyable walk over the Cemy again.

Friday September 15th 2023.

This adult Starling, now going into that lovely spotty Autumn plumage, was singing its heart out on the rooftops at the southern end of the Cemetery.

Another beautiful day with a clear blue sky and the temperatures climbing throughout the morning. There was hardly any wind and so I kept an eye out in the sky for any passing passerines or raptors. Selsey Bill scored early this morning with a Honey Buzzard drifting south around 7am this morning. Alway worth keeping an eye above for these lovely raptors which will now be making their way down to Africa.

A Tapered Drone Fly on Smooth Sow-thistle. This species and other larger Hoverflies were in good numbers again this morning.

On my first shift this morning, I did see a raptor, a female Sparrowhawk (probably yesterday's bird) flying low over Pembroke Road and heading north over the rooftops. A pair of Jays were on the opposite side of the road from me and one was seen to fly north over the road. A Grey Wagtail was first heard to call and then I was lucky enough to see it fly high south over the large field opposite. A few Small White butterflies were on the wing already at 8.15am and a Silver Y moth was fluttering about by the plants until quickly flying off over the houses.

Up to two Migrant Hawker dragonflies were on the wing in one area of the Cemetery. Trust me, it is not easy to get a decent photo of these on the wing with a Bridge Camera!

After my first shift, my dogs got another walk around Highland Road Cemetery and although 15 species were seen, there wasn’t very much to photograph this morning. Even the 5+ Chiffchaffs seen and heard were very elusive in the bushes and trees. A pair of Jays flew out of the trees and headed west over the rooftops and a Grey Wagtail flew high south as well, but not a great deal else regarding the bird life apart from all the regular species.

Even Buff-tailed Bumblebees were enjoying the flowering Ivy Plants.

A pair of Migrant Hawker dragonflies were patrolling one particular area within the centre of the Cemetery and the usual Drone Flies, Tapered Drone Flies and Batman Hoverflies were enjoying the Ivy plants. Several Red Admirals were on the wing, though none were seen resting today. There were plenty of Squirrels around again and yesterday, I actually saw an adult carry one of its young in front of me and then shoot up a tree once it saw my dogs! There were not many dog-walkers today, though it is still sad to see dog mess on the paths occasionally, which is simply down to pure laziness from the dog owners.  On a positive note, it was gorgeous walking through the Cemetery with the leaves now turning brown and shiny Horse Chestnuts on the footpath to the sound of Robins singing in the background.

Above, a good friend of mine is having a break in Iceland currently and kindly sent me this photo of a Redwing that was hopping about near her feet. When my wife and I went there several years ago, I was surprised at how confiding the Redwing were there.

Above and below, a White-tailed Eagle over Amberley Water Meadows, West Sussex. Photo by Emma Parkes.

Above, a superb photo of a Hobby over Pulborough Brooks, West Sussex. Photo by Emma Parkes.

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