Friday, December 16, 2022

Cattle Egrets over the Cemy!

Friday 16th December 2022.

The pair of Cattle Egrets flying high over the Cemetery heading west.

I really needed to clear my head this morning after the sadness from yesterday and so I took a slow walk around a very frosty Highland Road Cemetery. Maybe not a great choice seeing there were so many memories of Scruff here, especially when he was young and used to chase the Squirrels (and never caught any either!). Again, another heavy frost this morning, but a clear blue sky overhead and bright sunshine throughout the time I was there within the Cemy. Yesterday’s American Wigeon near Pennington Marshes was still present this morning, but I was more than happy here.

Above, a large flock of Starlings and a few Wood Pigeons had gathered on the recently pruned tree at the southern end of the Cemy. Below, a fluffed up Robin within a Holly Bush.

Another good total of species of birds within the Cemy today including a ‘patch tick’ as a pair of Cattle Egret flew high overhead flying west over Southsea (my 76th species at this site); seen while I was walking up to the Holm Oak clump. This species has increased in numbers of late here on the south coast almost similar to Little Egret, although the latter is far more common still. No raptors seen this morning although the local Pigeons were a bit jumpy again today, so maybe the Sparrowhawk had paid them a visit earlier in the day?

Above, the frost was certainly taking its toll on the plant life including this Ivy plant. Below, one of the Jays showing well in the sunshine.

A Common Gull flying north over the Cemy was a good record here. I have only seen a handful since I have been here over the past 14 years, but sadly, I could not get a reasonable photo of it before it flew off. The Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard calling over on the east side, but there was no sign of it when I got over that part of the Cemy. I did bump into a very attractive dog walker (a Megan McCubbin lookalike!) who asked me if I had seen any Woodpeckers today? She had seen the Green Woodpecker yesterday here, so we had a good chat and then wished me a pleasant morning. 

Above, another plumped up Wood Pigeon trying to keep out the cold and below, a male Blackbird was one of many of this species present this morning, busy upturning the leaves. 

A Song Thrush was seen as I started to make my way past the Holm Oak trees and make for home. It popped up between some graves along with a showy Wren. A pair of Goldcrests showed relatively well in the Holm Oaks and at least two Jays were seen today, both showing very well (see photos). The Pied Wagtail, seen as I just started my walk within the Cemy, was just a flyover and headed towards the houses in Albert Road; we rarely see them in the Cemy, unfortunately. 

Above, the second Jay seen high up in one of the Lime Trees. Below, the Cattle Egrets flying away from me, heading westbound.

Bird species seen on my walk around the Cemy this morning included the following:

  • Herring Gull
  • Black-headed Gull
  • Common Gull
  • Great Spotted Woodpecker
  • Great Tit
  • Blue Tit
  • Goldcrest
  • Greenfinch
  • Goldfinch
  • Blackbird
  • Song Thrush
  • Wren
  • Robin
  • House Sparrow
  • Starling
  • Collared Dove
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Feral Pigeon
  • Jay
  • Magpie
  • Carrion Crow
  • Cattle Egret (Patch tick)
  • Pied Wagtail

Above, one of the many Squirrels posing in the sunshine and below, a female Goldcrest in search of small insects within the Holm Oak clump.

Hardly any wild flowers were seen today and though bright and sunny, not a single insect was seen; though it was just above freezing all morning! Thankfully, no snow here on the south coast and rain is forecast to come in on Sunday as well as the temperature will start to rise.

The drake American Wigeon (centre) with Eurasian Wigeon and a Coot at Efford Lake, Pennington Marshes. Photo by Andy Tew.

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