Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Campion moth added to year list.

Wednesday 1st June 2022.

My first Campion moth of the year.

So technically, we are already half way through the year and I am standing out in the garden where it is just 7 degrees at 4.45am! I am so glad I have a fleece on! It is a clear blue sky type of morning and there is plenty of activity going on around and over the garden with ‘chirruping’ House Sparrows mostly making a din, but the dozen or Swifts are passing overhead, ‘screaming’ excitedly in doing so and passing Gulls flying north to probably feed in the countryside?

The micro moth Notocelia cynosbatella. 

I have slightly relocated my moth box due to pressure from my wife and though I was not too pleased at first, I suppose I will just have to get used to it. However, she did come up with a few good ideas to attract more moths. Much smaller numbers this morning, probably due to the low temperature overnight and a clear blue sky this morning, but I did have my first Campion moth of the year within the 30 moths of 14 species. The following moths were present this morning:  

  • 3 Yellow-barred Brindle
  • 3 White Ermine
  • 1 Campion
  • 1 White-point
  • 3 Willow Beauty
  • 2 Vines Rustic
  • 3 Pale Mottled Willow
  • 2 Buff Ermine
  • 1 L-album Wainscot
  • 1 Bright-line Brown-eye
  • 2 Garden Carpet
  • 3 Lime-speck Pug
  • 1 Notocelia cynosbatella
  • 4 Brown House Moth

It is so good to see Springwatch back on our TV’s at last and this time, it is being run for THREE weeks instead of two. Something finally decent to watch on the telly, while my wife watches her awful soaps! I wonder if there will be anything on moths again and hopefully not too much on Beavers and Red Deer; zzzzzzz! Below, a few late evening photos taken in the garden. 

'Are there any moths here'? One of my moths executioners!

A Holly Blue butterfly enjoying the last of the sun's rays in my garden.

This Buff-tailed Bumble bee was also enjoying the warmth of the evening sun.

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