Sunday, November 14, 2021

A few moths still coming through.

Sunday 14th November 2021.

The Angle Shades moth this morning.

The moth box got put on overnight, hoping for something new for the year, but it was the regular moths that greeted me this morning. I even put the white sheet by the box as well, but the best I could muster was an Angle Shades, 3 Double-striped Pugs and 6 Light Brown Apple Moths…..though it's better than a complete blank.

One version of the Light Brown Apple Moth.

A Chiffchaff was calling close by in my neighbours garden, but there was no sighting of the bird. I took our Isabelle out this morning to spend some quality time with my granddaughter at Clarence Pier after my wife and I had a lovely breakfast in the Parade Tea Rooms. Even while enjoying my breakfast, two pairs of Pied Wagtails were chasing insects on the field opposite. You see, I just cannot take my eyes off the wildlife.

Another version on the Light Brown Apple Moth this morning in my moth box. 

In Hampshire this morning, the Snow Buntings we saw yesterday has now increased to EIGHT birds, which begs the questions, where are they coming from and how on earth do they find each other? I have always considered that birds are telepathic, though it has never been proved; but in my eyes, it makes sense. Up to 4 soaring White-tailed Eagles were seen off Hill Head over the Solent this morning with a nearby Slavonian Grebe and Red-throated Diver on the sea. The Red-necked Grebe was yet again in the same area as yesterday, viewed opposite Shearwater Court, Hayling Island.

Andy doing his best Robert de Nero impersonation! 

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