Wednesday 26th February 2025.
After yesterday’s Black-throated Thrush sighting, arguably the best bird of the year so far, it was back to earth with some ‘bread-and-butter’ birding with the sightings of yesterday morning and today's efforts at Pembroke Road, Old Portsmouth. The good weather from yesterday disappeared and persistent and sometimes heavy rain came in to make it a rather soggy start to the day and it eventually dissipated around 2pm. For the Black-throated Thrush in Landford, there was no further access granted to view the garden where the bird was seen yesterday. As far as I am aware, there were no further sightings during the afternoon yesterday and no reports whatsoever today. I hope it survived the threats from the local Cat and the Sparrowhawk!
Pembroke Road, Old Portsmouth:
Before I headed back home after my first shift in Pembroke Road, a total of 12 species were noted here, which included a Jay flying over the road and on Governor’s Green, where there were three Brent Geese and another 13 that flew over and headed off east. Unusually, there was more than one Great Black-backed Gull present over the rooftops with a further three more birds noted. I suppose the breeding season is not too far away and maybe the birds were a little frisky?
Today, despite the wet weather this morning, the day kicked off well with a Jay showing very well in the small garden within a tree near where I stood. It made a few ‘squawks’ and then flew off south. Up to 4 Pied Wagtails were on the Bowling Green this morning, though I will be checking them carefully for White Wagtails soon now that the mornings are getting lighter. The total number of species seen this morning was 12. The weather brightened up considerably this afternoon as a small group of five Brent Geese made the most of the sunshine and grazed on the rich grass on Governor’s Green throughout my time there. A small yellowish Bee tried to land on me but, unfortunately, it didn't settle and flew off. My thoughts were it could have been an Early Bumblebee, possibly?
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