Monday, September 18, 2023

Storms over Portsmouth.

Monday 18th September 2023.

It was a bit dark and overcast just before the rain came in when I took Ted & Buddy for their morning walk around the Cemetery.

Last night's storm was very impressive, although it was quite distant and rather over to the east where there was a superb lightning display over the rooftops of Southsea. This morning's weather forecast didn't look too good either and I got a bit of a soaking on my first shift this morning in Old Portsmouth. Though the rain had stopped when I got home, I still had the dogs to take out and so I took a risk and walked them around Highland Road Cemetery. Yep, another good soaking!!!

Above, the rain came in as we quickly took shelter under a tree. Below, a Lusitanian Slug was more than happy with the wet weather until one of the dogs trod on it and it shrivelled up! 

On my first shift this morning, I did see a Chiffchaff flitting about the trees by the roadside and a Siskin was heard only somewhere high up and heading west by the sound of it. Highland Road Cemetery was rather quiet too, though not unexpected really, but at this time of year, anything could turn up, but it was just the usual birds on show today in the heavy rain. I took the camera anyway and snapped a few photos of the soaked birds along the way. A few Chiffchaff were heard only within the Bushes and Trees, but no other migrants on show today.

Above, this Carrion Crow managed to grab breakfast from somewhere and below, a Wood Pigeon in the rain. One of many here this morning. 

Above, I was walking the dogs around the Mausoleum when I came across two Magpies, two Carrion Crows (one flew off) and a juvenile Herring Gull all getting along fine in the rain! Below, then there were just two Carrion Crows and two Magpies.

Yesterday, birding pal Geoff Farwell braved the weather in the morning and got a thorough soaking for his efforts down Farlington Marshes where he saw the following birds: Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 3 Common Buzzard, 2 Avocet, 8 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Ruff, Common Sandpiper, 14 Brent Geese and 10 Yellow Wagtails. There was an interesting report of a flock of White Storks flying over Cowplain yesterday and someone put some video footage on Facebook of the sighting. No doubt on what they were. 

Above, a small flock of Curlew Sandpipers on Keyhaven Marshes. This superb photo made the title photo on the Hampshire Birding page on Facebook. Photo by Christine Whiffen. Below, another friend of mine, Paula Slape, took this photo from her mobile of Fulmars from a Whale-watching trip off Iceland yesterday. I wish my mobile phone camera was this good!

It was a much sunnier afternoon today, though a strong westerly wind blew which kept the temperature down to around 16 degrees. The only sighting of note during my second shift was a female Peregrine flying high over Old Portsmouth and then seen again seconds later heading east towards Southsea. A good total of 16 Cattle Egrets were noted on the Hayfield at Farlington Marshes today by fellow ‘Lazee’, Andy Friend. 

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