Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Good number of birds and Fungi over the Cemy.

Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Cloud breaking up in the east from the Cemetery this morning.

There was a stunning sunrise this morning over Southsea and the weather was looking very good this morning for a spot of birding. There was hardly a breath of wind and though a lot of cloud overhead, it was relatively bright. However, I had work to do and on my first shift, there were a pair of Jays on show going up and down the road, on the hunt for insects and acorns, while high overhead, I saw what I think was a Song Thrush flying east, but because of the noise of the traffic, I could not hear the bird calling. A Black-throated Diver is getting all the attention for the ‘Lazee’s’ this morning to add to their year list, with a bird off Centurion Business Park, on the River Itchen, for its second day. Hopefully, it might linger into the weekend?

Above, Starlings gathering on the TV Ariel and chimney pots on nearby houses and below, I found this Wood Pigeon on a nest. Surely not on eggs?

Above, a Jay with its back to me in one of the smaller trees and below, Sulphur Tuft toadstools were seen growing close to the main footpath. The first I have seen here this Autumn.

Above, Field Blewit toadstools and below, this Turkey-tail Fungus regularly grows on this old tree stump every year. 

Above, another new clump of Honey Fungus starting to grow at the base of the old Beech Tree again. Below, Tinder Bracket Fungus growing on an old tree stump still.

Above, three Blackbirds with a Wood Pigeon in the same tree. Below, a female Blackbird on its own in a nearby tree.

Above, at least 5 Blackbirds in this tree, where there were 6 birds earlier. Below, leaf litter from a Plane tree nearby.

I took full advantage of the still conditions by taking our dogs over Highland Road Cemetery again and notched up 22 bird species this morning and another good array of Fungi to look at. Of the birds, the Green Woodpecker was heard only this morning, with a bird heard calling over in the north-west side of the Cemy, but a Chiffchaff was unexpected with a calling bird seen briefly over on the south-east side close to the main footpath. A flock of 12 Goldfinches held a male Greenfinch with them (see photo) and up to three Jays were noted of which two of which were seen flying away from the Cemetery and heading southbound over the rooftops. A Skylark was heard and then eventually seen heading west very high up and a Meadow Pipit was seen flying also high up over my road heading west. Blackbirds were in good numbers today and at least 6, possibly 8 were high up in the trees and most likely migrant birds.

The birds recorded this morning in the Cemetery were as follows:

  • Herring Gull
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Feral Pigeon
  • Collared Dove (4)
  • Carrion Crow
  • Magpie
  • Jay (3)
  • Blackbird
  • Robin
  • Wren
  • Starling
  • House Sparrow
  • Great Tit
  • Blue Tit
  • Goldcrest
  • Chiffchaff
  • Goldfinch (12)
  • Greenfinch (1)
  • Green Woodpecker
  • Pied Wagtail (2)
  • Meadow Pipit
  • Skylark

The Black-throated Diver on the River Itchen, Southampton, today. Photo by Andy Friend.

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