Sunday, October 15, 2023

An early start over the Cemy.

Sunday 15th October 2023.

A cold but sunny morning here in the Cemetery.

I was up early this morning because our dogs never got a walk last night, so I took them out early over to Highland Road Cemetery. In fact, I thought I was the first one in the Cemetery, but I came across a ‘crazy lady’ over in the south-east corner when walking round at 7.45am! She was muttering to herself and taking photos of everything including me! Very odd! It was a fine, crisp and very cold morning with a blue whitewash sky above and the early morning sunshine just over the tops of the houses, casting long shadows behind us.

This Jay started our morning walk off well.

But first things first and I did put the moth box on overnight, but my catch was very small with 5 Light Brown Apple Moths and singles of Double-striped Pug, Feathered Ranunculus, Garden Carpet, Square-spot Rustic and Large Yellow Underwing. I suppose it was a little too cold for many moths to be on the wing.

Collared Dove numbers are now on the increase here.

Even when I was walking to the Cemetery, I could see there was a lot of bird movement overhead that included a few Pied Wagtails, Meadow Pipits and Siskins being heard and once in the Cemetery, I was greeted by a Jay perched up in the Silver BIrch near the main entrance, making its loud shrill chatter. Up to five species of finch were recorded this morning and that included a small flock of four Lesser Redpolls flying west and I even managed to grab a few photos as they flew low over the Cemetery. However, the Siskins were not so obliging and though heard several times, they were too high up to pick out.

One of the four Redpolls flying over this morning.

At least 10 Chiffchaffs were noted today, with plenty on show in the bright sunshine in all parts of the Cemetery. Just a shame there were no other warbler species present. If these promised easterlies arrive next week, maybe a Yellow-browed Warbler might pop in? Again, all the usual birds were present and correct and that included several flocks of invisible Skylarks! I can hear the buggers, but as they were flying so far up, they were impossible to locate.

Two of the many Chiffchaffs still present today.

Even at this early hour, I still saw several Red Admiral butterflies fluttering around the tops of the Ivy Plants along with many Common Wasps in the bright sunshine. 24 species of birds in the Cemetery was nothing to be scoffed at; a good total for this time of year.

Another photo of one of the Chiffchaffs.

Birds recorded in the Cemetery this morning included the following:

  • Skylark
  • Siskin
  • Redpoll (4)
  • Chaffinch
  • Goldfinch
  • Greenfinch
  • Blue Tit
  • Great Tit
  • Chiffchaff (10+)
  • Herring Gull
  • Black-headed Gull
  • Collared Dove
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Feral Pigeon
  • Jay
  • Carrion Crow
  • Magpie
  • Pied Wagtail
  • Meadow Pipit
  • Robin
  • Wren
  • House Sparrow
  • Starling
  • Blackbird

Above, a female Merlin and below, a female Kestrel. Both seen and photographed by Emma Parkes at Old Winchester Hill yesterday.

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