Friday, December 3, 2021

A nice variety of birds at Titchfield Haven.

Friday 3rd December 2021.

The view from the Spurgin Hide this morning.

I managed to squeeze in another day off before Christmas from work and took the opportunity to try my luck for the Jack Snipe on Titchfield Haven Nature Reserve. Though it was mostly overcast, the sun did break through a few times and the daytime temperature reached a balmy 10 degrees centigrade, a big difference from the icy blast of yesterday! In short, though the Jack Snipe never put in an appearance, there was a good supporting cast of birds to make my trip here very much worthwhile.

The Reserve Centre to the left with the small harbour to the right. 

Turnstone here are very tame. 

After purchasing my day pass from the Reserve and paying for my parking ticket, I made my way to the reserve entrance, but not before checking out the very calm sea over the Solent. I counted at least three Great Crested Grebes out on the water and on the beach, near the small boatyard, there was a roosting flock of around 100+ Sanderling as well as a couple of Ringed Plovers and several Turnstone.

A drake Gadwall in the small harbour by the roadside.

Black-headed Gulls by the small harbour. 

The pleasant walk to the Spurgin Hide produced a small flock of Long-tailed Tits in the small trees and brambles and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew away from me to the west. Both Cetti’s Warblers and Water Rails could be heard calling from the adjacent reedbeds as I made my way to the Spurgin Hide. I passed a lichen covered bench along Sally’s Path as I neared the Hide and once inside, there were already a couple of chaps within it. One such chap was one of the ‘Lazee’ Birders, Pete Appleton and listening to the birding exploits of the two guys, notably the Penduline Tit sightings at this site a few years back, was very interesting.

One of three Chiffchaffs seen in front of the Hide. 

The male Stonechat in front on the Hide. 

Again, there was no sign of the Jack Snipe, despite it showing well in front of the Hide yesterday; but there was a nice selection of birds to view from the Hide. Cetti’s Warblers could be seen and heard within the reeds in front of us and showing very well at times. A pair of Stonechats came close to the Hide too as did at least 3 Chiffchaffs of which one did appear quite grey in colouration (possibly the Siberian Chiffchaff that was on the reserve last week?). Other passerines in front of the Hide included a stroppy Robin that tried its hardest to push both the Chiffchaffs and Stonechats away from its territory. A Wren also joined in on the act, skulking on the ground or within the reeds in search of tiny insects; for there were a lot of flying midges around.

A showy Cetti's Warbler on the edge of the reeds.

A Little Egret came onto this part of the reserve and landed on the open bit of water to the east and then began searching for food. At least three Common Snipe could be heard flying over and I managed to view the birds flying south over the reserve. A flock of Bearded Tits were flying over the reedbeds to the north of the Hide and I managed to see them several times ‘pinging’ over the reeds. Sadly, they never got that close for a photo. A Kingfisher flew in and landed on an exposed post for all of 5 seconds before flying off and a Water Rail finally gave itself up and scurried quickly in front of the Hide and straight into reeds again.

Above and below, Sanderling on the shoreline.

A female Marsh Harrier cruised low over the reedbeds over on the east side of the reserve, heading south and then flew back north, while a Common Buzzard flew into a nearby tree, upsetting the local Wood Pigeons. I had put 3 hours worth of parking in the meter and so made my way back to the car. Along the way, a pair of Bullfinches were seen feeding on buds within a small tree, but proved very difficult to photograph with my Bridge Camera. I had a good look for the Dartford Warbler by the entrance of the reserve, which was seen earlier by Pete Appleton, but to no avail. On reaching the car, I gave the Solent a good scan for anything of note and picked up a distant Auk on the calm water. A nearby fellow birder had his scope handy and after pointing it out to the chap, he confirmed that it was a Razorbill. Other birds on the water included at least 20 Great Crested Grebes, a drake Eider, 3 Teal and a very large flock of Brent Geese in front of the beach huts. Apparently, I only just missed a flock of 4 Velvet Scoters that had flown off east. Never mind, I certainly enjoyed the 150+ Sanderling close by on the shoreline in front of me. I can certainly see why they are so many peoples favourite wader.

One of the closest Great Crested Grebes on the sea. 

A mixture of birds including Cormorant, Herring Gull, Gadwall, Lapwing and Oystercatcher on the small island on the River Meon. 

There were some interesting sightings here in Hampshire this morning. Off Black / Sandy Point, Hayling Island, a Slavonian Grebe and a Black-throated Diver were found and a large flock of 100+ Brambling were in Queen Elizabeth Country Park. The drake Green-winged Teal was still present at Ripley Reservoir in the far west of the County again this morning.   

The drake Green-winged Teal (left) at Ripley Reservoir with a Eurasian Teal. Photo by Andy Tew.

The Sanderling flock on the shoreline at Hill Head.

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